Page name: heros united rping2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-15 03:53:42
Last author: Raiya
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 4
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Sango: Awwww!!! That is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!

Raven:*smiles slightly*

Yudan: It's not funny! *standing*

Goten:*hugs Yudan*

Sango: It is so funny.

Yudan: *had a raises eye look but hugs goten and rolls eyes then grins evily and grabs him and messes with his hair*


Sango: *rolls eyes and shakes head* (I wish my little brother was still aorund to do that)

*Goten tries 2 run away*

Yudan: *saw sangos face practically reading her mind, and ran into a tree not paying attention* Ow. *rubs head*

Sango: *kneels down and helps Goten fix his hair* Your head feel ok, Yudan.

Yudan: I'll survive. (she looked so sad i got so side tracked)

Sango: Should hope so. *stands* It would be very embarrassing for you to be defeated by one little tug on your ear. (I can't look sad anymore. I won't cry anymore.)

Yudan: *sensing something wrong, getting to her feet* Sango? Is something bothering u?

Sango: It's nothing. *whispers* Later. We'll talk later when the child cannot hear. (I would not want to trouble him)

Yudan: *nods head aprovingly and sits

Goten:*sits nexed 2 Ravens feet and she picks him up*

*Vegeta flew nexed 2 goku*

Yudan: *says underbreath* Great him...

Goku:Raven watch Goten i need 2 go! *both fly away*

Sango: *scratches head* what was that all about?

Yudan: Most likely a battle.

Goten:i wanna help!

Sango: you'll be able to help someday. Don't grow up too fast!

*Goten lays his head on Ravens shoulder and pouts*

Yudan: *smiles, sitting against tree looking up*

Sango: *smiles* (He is so sweet.)

Goten:Raven can i be a TeenTitan?
Raven:when ur 13
Goten:thats a long way away!

Yudan: Years will pass faster if u don't think about the time. (did i just sound wise! holly shit!)


Sango: Basically: Train hard and live your childhood while you can. You have all the time in the world to be a superhero. (So much like Kohaku...The resemblance in scary, in everything but looks.)

Goten:me and my freind are learning how to fuse!
Raven:-.- u wernt suppose to tell!

Sango: It's Ok Raven. That's very good!

Goten:ya were good at it!
Raven:u mess up
Goten:only twice!

Sango: *giggles* You must be very talented then!

Yudan: *sighs bored*


Sango: *smiles* With that attitude you'll be a hero in no time!

Goten:REALLY??! dose that mean i get a kool costume to?

Sango: *giggles* (Kids grow up so fast...Too fast...)

*Goten hoppes out of Ravens arms and tacks off her cape and wears it on himself*

Yudan: *sat silently and was in thought*

sango: *makes her way over to Yudan* Something wrong?

*Raven started chasing Goten to get her cloak back*

Yudan: No, just thinking. Naraku hasn't attacked in a while, seems odd to me...

Sango: *face darkens* We've been searching high and low for him, but there's been no sign. We just have to wait for him to make the first move.

*Raven catches him and puts her cloak back on*

Goten:who are you looking for? Slade?

Sango: someone else...*looks off into the sky* (I will kill him someday)

Yudan: *tightens fist* (just the thought of him makes me sick)

Goten:is it majin buu?

go to Heros united rping3

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-11 [Raiya]: okaldokaly

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: thankies!!

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: :D ITS KOOL!

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: YAY!! I'm still working on it! It's going to be sooo cool!!

2005-02-11 [Raiya]: ^_^ well im still working on this one so there hard

2005-02-11 [JapaneseMiko]: they are hard....trying to do the summaries now...a lot of typing...and I still have to figure out how to make a banner...

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: ya i cant figure that out either

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: working on it...if I figure out how...I'll tell you! ^.^

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: :D ok

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: Right!

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: left!

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: No...The other left formerly known as right!

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: ??straight??

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: Um...Up!!

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: NO! down

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: fine fine DOWN!!

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: *looks down*

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: All I see is tile...and dirt....AHH!! DIRT!!

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: XO NOOOOOOO!!!!! *ducks down*

2005-02-12 [JapaneseMiko]: OK! Dirt gone! *Stands up from washing away the dirt*

2005-02-12 [Raiya]: *stands up and looks around*

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